(too old to reply)
kim Stirling
2006-11-08 05:12:56 UTC
ADVICE FOR VICTIMS OF FREEMASONRY (or the layman's guide to evil)....

Fact.... It only takes one lower Mason to put you on the Freemason's
Lifetime Register Of Revenge. Did anyone ever say to you "I'll make sure you
never work again" ? Or perhaps one of your family members is on the Masonic
Revenge Register and nobody knows why things go wrong. Did you ever have a
Mason as a partner? Are you suffering in silence? We can help you to expose
this evil.


Fact.... Freemasons never let go, they will persecute until death. I have
seen this with my own eyes for the last 28 years and I have gathered plenty
of evidence on how they work. I am writing this now as I get my daily dose
of "psychological grind you down". I have overwhelming proof as you will
read soon. I am a member/supporter of several victims groups who all have
evidence of the Evil Freemasons (Destroyers Of Society) You must see www.

2.... Buy a triple carbonated book and use it as daily diary. Put the other
two copies into separate safe houses of people you can trust. (or copy onto
CD/DVD to all). Don't live to regret this advice.

Fact.... Don't try to hide from them. Technology is amazing now, we pay for
it and the Masons get to abuse it. They also have a brilliant network of
eyes and ears, local Masons, pub landlords, taxi drivers, curtain twitchers,
dog-walkers and of course the Freemason Gangstalkers (organised harassment)

3.... Keep your carbonated diary of dates, times and details of events and
gather as much info
as possible. Make it safe as soon as you can. Join us or start your own

Fact.... When a Mason turns his foot (in a certain way) in court, that's his
way of letting the Masonic judge that he is your pseudo brother and you know
the rest. Have a look at ex-top Mason Bill Schnoebelen's brilliant expose
of Masonic truth. It's more than 2 hours long. Download it for free at

4.... Log all phone calls (good or bad, they can all be traced). Keep dates,
times, phone numbers and nature of call (or record the calls) Masons love to
hide and have cowardly fun, we can prove this.

Fact.... Freemasonry is an international money making scam. Brainwash for
money/power. Regardless of the codswallop they would have you believe.
Masons are Masters Of Misinformation.

5.... Gather evidence using Video or DVD-cam, digital camera, handheld voice
recorder, etc. You can connect hidden cameras to your hard drive for 24/7
coverage (very inexpensive) Try putting your video-cam on your vehicle
dashboard (hide/box it) and later keep all vehicles on record, you will be
very surprised at the results. Also carry your small voice recorder, this is
useful for taking notes or when talking to your enemy, etc. Remember, this
evil uses a lot of cars during their persecution. (Lots More)

Fact.... If you want to know which night of the week that they have their
corruption/persecution meetings, just get online and put the name of your
local Masonic Lodge into the search engines and there you have it. You can
now document them, their vehicle, their job, their accomplices and so on.
The website also gives you all the Masonic officers names, etc, etc.... See

6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)

7.... If you can afford it, put a tracker on their vehicle and that will
reveal everything about them. It will also reveal their corrupt accomplices,
vehicles, jobs, contacts, etc, etc.... IMPROVISE & EXPOSE

Fact.... Not one Mason can tell you what happens to their membership fees.
(except the corrupt ones)

8.... Recognise Freemasons by numbers. You have to checkout www.whale.
to/b/duke.html this is another way to spot an Evil Freemason. Watch vehicle
number plates and business and home phone numbers for
7-9-11-13-33-77-555-666-777-3333-5555-7777 and numbers that add up to
7-9-11-13, examples 434=11.... 85=13.... 225=9 etc. Example No1, Local
business has No33 on his trucks number plates, 33 on his family cars (reg
plates) and 33 in his business phone number. Example No2, local Masonic
family has no 13 on family vehicle and their 3 offspring have similar car
reg's that add up to Masonic numbers. Example No3, most of the gangstalkers
vehicles at my back garden/fence/road has been Masonic numbers, video/photo
footage to back this up. Example No4, my local taxi firms have the phone
numbers 3333 and 5555. Most of the drivers are Masons, that's why they are
nosey, they are servants of the all seeing eye, The Illuminati ) Have a
browse through Yell or the phone directory for other businesses. This will
get you started and contact us with your findings. (members report to follow)

Fact.... Did you know that they have Masonic Lodges within the Police HQ's ?
We pay for that. You should ask your local MP. (get your MP/MSP to sign a
Declaration Of Truth that they are not a Mason) You should also get a D.O.T.
from other professionals who you think are Masons. Join us (nowt to hide)

9.... When you know one Mason then that will show you all of his/her
contacts. Those closest to him/her will be fellow Masons. They all go to
each others engagements, weddings and funerals. They only use fellow Masonic
tradesmen and services, check the phone numbers and vehicle reg. (more to

Fact.... 33 degree Freemason Tony Blair said "It's not a secret society,
it's a society with secrets" ????
This kind of crap statement only makes you realise the truth. (ABBA money,
money, money)

10.... Use your imagination and improvise on gathering proof. (also share
your ideas with us and other victims) You can send it anonymously to us or
put your findings online. For every Mason, there are 12 of us who are not. I
have just started several petitions to expose this Masonic Human Virus,
especially made me angry when I came across a petition called "PROUD TO BE A
MASON", you should read the comments, it proves how brainwashed/deranged
some of them are. It's also a good way to identify them. You can find it
here at www.petitiononline.com/proudmas/

Fact.... Do not get involved in litigation of any kind, you must be mad if
you think justice will be done. Yes I have read the occasional rare victory,
that's just part of the controlled media to fool the public.

11.... Don't let them get to you, just ignore them. These
calculated/deranged Masons only get pleasure from a reaction. It's about
time we done a role reversal here, they deserve it. Evil Freemasonry is
responsible for a trillion, trillion crimes against the planet and all of
it's species. All in the name of money/greed/power/selfishness (report to
follow).... Why is there no Masonic register?

Fact.... You can get caught on camera 300 times a day and even more in the
city. How come there are no cameras in the Courts or Police Stations?....
Has the penny dropped yet?.... Secrecy = Lies

12.... Gather as much evidence as possible and hold it for now. Do not
attempt to take it to their corrupt system. They know your evidence won't
stand up in their courts, join us. (report to follow)

Fact.... Masonic victims, do not go to the newspapers, they are owned by the
elite/establishment, try to find alternative journalism online. Checkout
Tony Gosling, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, John Pilger, David Icke, Michael Moore,
Truth-seekers at http://777001.com/?q= www.martinfrost.ws/ (can anyone
find this brilliant web-page as somebody took it down, it's www.truthseekers.
freeserve.co.uk/truth/tr5pyramid.html) You had better check these sites out
if you want to know what's already here, mind control, laser microphones,
RFID's, etc. Join Open Society and teach/help each other.

13.... Be very wary/careful of any new contacts/friends. You should also be
on the ball with friends of your family, so checkout the father first to see
if he is a Mason. If you are having meetings, be wary of infiltrators and
spoilers. (you can check with us)

Fact.... The Evil Freemasons will spread lies & rumours locally where you
live or at your workplace

14.... Make contact with us or other victims/groups by email and also
snail-mail as we don't know how long before they totally control the
internet and destroy the freedom of speech. Join us or support us.

If you have a Freemason living near you, keep a diary of their
movements/contacts and if you are any good with a camera? Do you think this
is wrong? well, thats how they get info on us. Wakey, wakey.

Fact.... They have perfected their Masonic persecution so that only the
victim and the perpetrators know what is happening. I have seen and
documented this. Like I say we have the proof with nowhere to take it as yet,
because it's their playing field. Don't worry the seeds have been sown to
destroy this evil, you must do your part. See www.gaiaguys.net/herodesmason.
htm also www.kirkflyingvet.com

15.... Be aware that they will use anyone, any age, any colour, any
profession, etc. ( Checkout online;DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, Jobs Daughters,
Eastern star, etc) lot's more to follow

Fact.... When the next fabricated world war kicks off, all Masons expect to
be saved, do you really think the top Illuminati/Masons care about anyone
else? Of course they don't, lower Masons without the desired bloodlines are
just tools to be used. They are all expendable. Which is why anyone with
half of a brain should read the truth-seekers websites recommended here
(Mason or not).... Start here....
Masonic truths and secrets www.crossroad.to/articles2/006freemasons.htm

16... Freemasons are encouraged to tell lies If you suspect someone you
think is a Mason, ask them to write a simple Declaration Of Truth in their
own handwriting (watch them and their body language) "I am not a member of
any Secret Society, Cult or Debating Group, etc. I have never been initiated
into one and never taken any back-handers/favours from them. Signed and
dated by me"

Fact.... Perpetrators/Gangstalkers are never own their own and you also
will find the Masonic Police around at the same time as the persecution.
They use various methods to communicate. Mostly mobile phones (all calls
traceable) , walkie talkies, CB radio. Get yourself a scanner and voice

17.... Be wary of what's happening around you. Some local Masons will
look/stare/growl/shout/snarl at you as if you have the Plague. The truth is
that they have heard some rumours about you, made up by the your local
Masonic Lodge (This is all Freemasons Textbook stuff). Then what happens is
that the other pseudo brothers all spread nasty fabrications about you. It
gets to other Profane (not Masons) people and then everyone thinks/believes
it's true. (even the old ones like he's a child molester, etc) Anything that
happens near you is your fault, the Masons only listen to other Masons,
there is no two sides to a story. Their members are so brainwashed, did you
ever see the movie Zombies? heh, heh.

Fact.... I have done hundreds of small tests and experiments to make sense
and gather the truth, you should do the same. Example No1 when talking to
someone you suspect of being a Mason, feed them a story/lie and see what is
said over the next few weeks, I promise it will come back to you....
Example No2 I would switch my mobile phone off and drive somewhere (not a
public place) with a witness and camera. Switch my phone on and call my wife,
switch it back off. Wait a short while and then they appear, guaranteed. I
wrote to Strathclyde Police HQ to ask if they had been monitoring my
calls/phone and they wrote back saying they could not confirm or deny this?

18.... Warning, women who separate from Masons get real psychological terror,
sick Masons.
Technology is as good for us, not just them. Use it. See what detective
agency's sell (more to follow)
Fact we now know a lot of infiltrators/spoilers and their tactics. We have
other other tactics/information and help for individual cases. You can also
send us your tactical ideas and suggestions.

Fact.... If you want to know which night of the week that they have their
corruption/persecution meetings, just get online and put the name of your
local Masonic Lodge into the search engines and there you have it. You can
now document them, their vehicle, their job, their accomplices and so on.
The website also gives you all the Masonic officers names, etc, etc.... See

19.... You must keep an eye on your mail. Once or twice a year they will
steal your mail, not junk mail but bank bank statements, credit card
statements, appointments, etc. This is another way for them to gather info
and harass you. Make sure you report this and keep a record of all
complaints with the mail

Fact.... Masons will destroy/harass any business which might take away
business from local masons. We have all the proof of how they work. Join us
or start your own group

Fact.... When a Mason loses his job, the Masonic Lodge will find this pseudo
brother another job immediately, regardless of his qualifications (if any).
That's what they get told before they join, that they will have a job for
life, at our expense. (American gangstalking victims don't know it's the
Masons, yet)

Fact.... Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity, see www.bibleprobe.
Masonic misinformation "Jesus The Freemason" see www.shellschoolofknowledge.

Fact.... Their "psychological grind you down" is incessant. We have the
identities of lots of Masonic Gangstalkers who should be followed 24/7 to
document their evil.... www.nireland.com/fame97/

This email update was promted by this local Freemason Gangstalker, He, with
his Eastern Star (female freemason) was dishing out the psychological terror
last sunday 5/11/06 at 4pm . They were driving a car, Registration No P2 OGG
(put P2 Masons into your search engine + see Rule No8) . Who did he contact
on his mobile that day? who contacted him? They had a number of other
perpetrators with them in other cars, especially the guy in the red Porsche
(with black convertible roof) driving round the roundabout six times? I have
lots more evidence and questions? Good tip, don't forget your cameras and
voice recorder. Or go for the set-up next time, don't make it obvious.

If you or someone you know is a victim and need a shoulder to lean on,
contact us. Please
remember this is not about you or me, it's about all of us. There are
victims out there who
are committing suicide, being torn inside, losing property, families being
destroyed, etc.
This Masonic Evil has no conscience. If you do nothing, then they win.
Victims Unite....

Fact.... If you are in business and you wonder why you never win a contract?
That's because when they submit their tender, the words/text are manipulated
so that fellow corrupt brothers can make an easy decision. We have lots more
on this.... Have a look at our Mo's story www.mauricekellett.com

You can contact us anytime. Checkout our petition to Ban Freemasons and
other Secret Societies
www.thepetitonsite.com/takeaction/479012713 Just read what the victims
have to say (+links)

I have nothing against lower Masons who have not been part of the
persecution, therefore I won't mention them when my story comes out. As for
the deranged Masons? I think it is only natural that they should be named
and shamed to everybody local and their family, friends, colleagues and
Thanks to the internet, the whole world of journalists, truth-seekers and
humanitarian groups are watching this space. This evil practice has to be
stopped. Vote to ban it now. Join us or start your group.

Open Society (Not secret Society) Contact details.... email kim.
***@ntlworld.com or ***@mac.com O. S., 93 Ashburn Road, Glasgow G62
7PQ Scotland, UK.... Phone 0141 560 4743 (leave message or text us) or
07834 329 287 (02 network) or 07799 612 227 (vodaphone)

No guys, I'm not cracking up. I'm just a nervous animal stuck in a Masonic
world with nowhere to run
My brief story.... 28 years ago I was fighting some guys who had been
fighting with my brother in another Pub. Big guy fell and cut his head (a
bad cut) on the radiator. I went home and said to my wife that I'm just
about to be arrested for assault. Nothing happened. Wanna know why? they
were 3 Police Trainees and what do you think? Yes I've had 28 years of
Masonic persecution. Listen guys, I can back up everything I am saying. Do
you think I haven't tried to get out of this? I even enquired about joining,
just to get them off my case (not now, not for 10 million) I have written to
them, I have emailed the Scottish Grand Lodge (Of Corruption), no chance,
this is calculated derangement (also to show other members what will happen
to them if?) I love my family (I know they will suffer when I'm not here)
and I love my life. Yes I know the dangers. But when you catch a glimpse of
the real truth and the psychological terror that the Masons (Servants Of The
Illuminati) distribute 24/7, you can only fight back. Of course we can win
and we will. Doing real good will always beat evil. Joe Stirling

Here's an issue that won't go away (because the corrupt elite design and
maintain it).... 17 of the poorest places in Scotland are all in Glasgow,
why?.... Now you know why. This is also an international problem that won't
go away until you ban the Secret Societies from practicing.... I would like
some protection for me and my family but I can hardly ask the Masonic Police.
Need your support, Guys

Incidentally, we don't just fight corruption, we are also interested in all
things good, i.e. sustainability, true recycling, anti-pollution,
anti-poverty and survival in this volatile world. As a Victims support group
we can help you identify if Masons are involved. We will accept donations of
any kind to keep up this fight. Anything we can use or sell. Every penny
accounted for and no fat cats. We also need your ideas and suggestions. Do
something real good for the community, support us, join us, we've nothing to

Footnote: Very well done U.S.A. for voting against the 33 degree Masons, the
Satanic Bush family

Please copy this and distribute to help other victims, remember, we're not
all online. Read the websites recommended before you make your argument or
decision. You can talk to us, we have nothing to hide

Open Society (Not secret Society) Contact details.... email kim.
***@ntlworld.com or ***@mac.com or write to O. S., 93 Ashburn Road,
Glasgow G62 7PQ Scotland, UK.... Phone 0141 560 4743 (leave message or text
us) or 07834 329 287 (02 network) or 07799 612 227 (Vodaphone)

If you wish to be removed from this list, please email us with 'unsubscribe'
DJ Hatter
2006-11-09 16:12:05 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)
So what is supposed to happen. I tried this and bolted up to the woods.
All i saw was a bloke hopping around on one leg with an apron on shouting
"we want you" and pointing in my direction. But there was nothing out of
the ordinary to video at tall. Can you give me a hint as to what i'm
looking for?
kim Stirling
2006-11-08 12:26:29 UTC
typical comment from masonic property, voacs
DJ Hatter
2006-11-09 17:36:20 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
typical comment from masonic property, voacs
I'm nobody's property mate ;-)

Joking aside though, you still haven't explained what is supposed to happen
if I carry out your instructions. I'm just curious. Tell me what it is and
i promise i'll go and give it a go and report back. I'll video the entire
episode in fact. Anyone who knows me on here knows that i'm not kidding. If
you predict what happens i'll let you have a once off show on my radio

DJ Hatter
2006-11-09 20:11:34 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by kim Stirling
typical comment from masonic property, voacs
I'm nobody's property mate ;-)
Joking aside though, you still haven't explained what is supposed to
happen if I carry out your instructions. I'm just curious. Tell me what
it is and i promise i'll go and give it a go and report back. I'll video
the entire episode in fact. Anyone who knows me on here knows that i'm not
kidding. If you predict what happens i'll let you have a once off show on
my radio program.
Obviously not. Shame. I was getting quite excited. Had me video camera
ready and everything.

Anybody else know what happens if you go up to the woods with your phone
switched off, switch it on, make a call then switch it off? I'm intruiged!
Does it explode?
Brian Reay
2006-11-09 20:18:12 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Obviously not. Shame. I was getting quite excited. Had me video camera
ready and everything.
Anybody else know what happens if you go up to the woods with your phone
switched off, switch it on, make a call then switch it off? I'm
intruiged! Does it explode?
Don't you know the song:

"If you go down to the woods today,
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today,
You'd better go in disguise.


2006-11-09 21:47:38 UTC
Anybody else know what happens if you go up to the woods with your phone switched off, switch it on, make a call then switch it
off? I'm intruiged! Does it explode?
Sounds like the perfect setting for Blair witch 3. A lone guy, last seen - camera in hand, phone in other. Guided by instructions
and rantings of masonic doings, Never to be seen again. Last words were to a mate. Ear I'm in some dark damp manky wood. Can you ear
me....Good now naff orf. NEVER SEEN OR HERD OF AGAIN!!!!

And so close to halloween too. [Grins]
J Wiesmann
2006-11-10 05:38:07 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by kim Stirling
6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)
So what is supposed to happen. I tried this and bolted up to the woods.
All i saw was a bloke hopping around on one leg with an apron on shouting
"we want you" and pointing in my direction. But there was nothing out of
the ordinary to video at tall. Can you give me a hint as to what i'm
looking for?
The one legged man in the apron are you sure he didn't start shouting "We
want you -- We want you" then "Young Man". If he did, then let me know, I
think this could be serious and you will need all the help we can get.

D Miller
2006-11-10 05:57:03 UTC
Post by J Wiesmann
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by kim Stirling
6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)
So what is supposed to happen. I tried this and bolted up to the woods.
All i saw was a bloke hopping around on one leg with an apron on shouting
"we want you" and pointing in my direction. But there was nothing out of
the ordinary to video at tall. Can you give me a hint as to what i'm
looking for?
The one legged man in the apron are you sure he didn't start shouting "We
want you -- We want you" then "Young Man". If he did, then let me know, I
think this could be serious and you will need all the help we can get.
JW, I came as quick as I could, but she still enjoyed it, I went over your
notes, and I am sure you are right -- this man is suffering from
"Ludicrous"!!! Who else would go down to the woods at night with a mobile
phone and video camera and then telephone a friend other than Chris Tarrant.


kim Stirling
2006-11-09 03:07:14 UTC
in answer to all intelligent comments above, we have videocam evidence, any
of you want to put money on it? this page was written for victims everywhere
and we would like to thank you for your documented ignorance or the
protection of your masonic membership.
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 09:03:47 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
in answer to all intelligent comments above, we have videocam evidence, any
of you want to put money on it? this page was written for victims everywhere
and we would like to thank you for your documented ignorance or the
protection of your masonic membership.
Protection from a bunch of retired butchers and taxi drivers.... with a few
too many lunches and dinners under their belt? lol. That'd be re-assuring.

OK. Let's see this video cam evidence. "Evidence" is to prove your point
and you can't do that without showing it to non believers. So let's take a
look. Bet on it? You want me to pay for information that is of public

Also, there's the little matter of what happens in the woods for you to come
back on. You can't just give us explicit instructions then not divulge the

I repeat. Tell me what is supposed to happen and i'll happily do it and
take a video camera - but I need to know what i'm looking for. Predict what
I video successfully (as you appear to think you will) and i'll play a
pre-recorded show of your design on my radio station for a week.

I await your response. If you choose not to, then i'll do it anyway and put
it up on the net and i promise, it will be a really bad spoof.
kim Stirling
2006-11-09 08:04:38 UTC
what an absolute donkey, now I know why they didn't ask me to join, typical
brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy email
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
2006-11-10 09:28:40 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
in answer to all intelligent comments above, we have videocam evidence, any
of you want to put money on it? this page was written for victims everywhere
and we would like to thank you for your documented ignorance or the
protection of your masonic membership.

With respect, You mention documented "video cam" evidence.....But of WHAT exactly?
I'm sure the others are not being ignorant, merely being light hearted at someone's claims to have "evidence" of "something".
Anyone could repeat your style of thread about "Nessy" "Aliens" "Ghosts" and more, then say they have proof.

Without showing anyone "Evidence" surely all in here would agree you will be tormented and suffer jibes.
Don't be offended. You can put a stop to this by telling us what it is exactly that is ment to , Or not, happen.
"Ignorance" is posting something and not completing the post then expecting everyone to believe you or not to question what it is
your making a statement about.

I'm sure you feel very passionate about what ever it is, but others wont feel the same unless your prepared to back up your claims,
So do it!

Hope this explains some of the comments your receiving. :-)
kim Stirling
2006-11-09 07:59:59 UTC
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
J Wiesmann
2006-11-10 14:36:08 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye

If anyone could shout Free Masons have ruined my life and in one case taken
a life it is me and two close friends. Three of us went to prison for no
crime at all, one of us never survived the experience.

I and my two friends were not Masons but it was a Masonic employee who tried
to help resolve the problem, a Masonic bank manager that, at the risk of his
job, pumped money into our business, three Masonic police officers and two
very senior police officers who passed confidential information to our
lawyers because they were concerned that justice was not being done.

On leaving prison it was several Masons who rallied round and provided us
with free offices, transport and services and tried to get our one suicidal
friend into hospital.

Our problem was not a Free Mason but a woman who made a judgement based on
women's intuition and belief that that intuition was infallible that went on
to withhold, destroy and manipulate evidence in the misguided belief that
she knew better than a judge and jury and was providing a service to

When it was discovered that this was probably the case she used her position
to resign her post using ill health and the knowledge that she would neither
be questioned or prosecuted for her actions and that we could never prove
our innocence because she was ill.

It is not the wrath of the Masons that should worry us but the blind faith
women place in their intuition that no matter what they are right and if you
question that belief and ask for a logical explanation you will suffer their

The largest and most dangerous secret society in the world are women, who
like worker Bees can come together in an instant to destroy even their best
friend for illogical and questionable reasons and then disperse as if
nothing happened.

I take it from your last response -- the goad about manhood that you are a
woman using the typical response of the woman's secret society handed from
mother to daughter and overseen by the Grand Masters of that society
commonly known as granny.

We are inquisitive men, with enquiring minds, you have stirred our
imagination, we have found the remote, turned off the football, put down the
Bud and pushed away the pizza box and now have our full attention and have
asked the logical question: What woods and what should we find?

Now tell us before our short and sometimes fleeting attention span returns
to the remote control.

JW a non Mason

Not Today
2006-11-10 15:26:02 UTC
Post by J Wiesmann
Post by kim Stirling
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
If anyone could shout Free Masons have ruined my life and in one case
taken a life it is me and two close friends. Three of us went to prison
for no crime at all, one of us never survived the experience.
I and my two friends were not Masons but it was a Masonic employee who
tried to help resolve the problem, a Masonic bank manager that, at the
risk of his job, pumped money into our business, three Masonic police
officers and two very senior police officers who passed confidential
information to our lawyers because they were concerned that justice was
not being done.
On leaving prison it was several Masons who rallied round and provided
us with free offices, transport and services and tried to get our one
suicidal friend into hospital.
Our problem was not a Free Mason but a woman who made a judgement based
on women's intuition and belief that that intuition was infallible that
went on to withhold, destroy and manipulate evidence in the misguided
belief that she knew better than a judge and jury and was providing a
service to society.
When it was discovered that this was probably the case she used her
position to resign her post using ill health and the knowledge that she
would neither be questioned or prosecuted for her actions and that we
could never prove our innocence because she was ill.
It is not the wrath of the Masons that should worry us but the blind
faith women place in their intuition that no matter what they are right
and if you question that belief and ask for a logical explanation you
will suffer their wrath.
The largest and most dangerous secret society in the world are women,
who like worker Bees can come together in an instant to destroy even
their best friend for illogical and questionable reasons and then
disperse as if nothing happened.
I take it from your last response -- the goad about manhood that you are
a woman using the typical response of the woman's secret society handed
from mother to daughter and overseen by the Grand Masters of that
society commonly known as granny.
So, you've have a bad and unforgivable experience with one woman and
because of that you judge all women. If this was typical of male logic
then give me women's intuition any day. Thankfully it is not. I cannot
recall being let down by a woman, I can't say the same about men.
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 15:49:59 UTC
Post by Not Today
Post by J Wiesmann
Post by kim Stirling
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
If anyone could shout Free Masons have ruined my life and in one case
taken a life it is me and two close friends. Three of us went to prison
for no crime at all, one of us never survived the experience.
I and my two friends were not Masons but it was a Masonic employee who
tried to help resolve the problem, a Masonic bank manager that, at the
risk of his job, pumped money into our business, three Masonic police
officers and two very senior police officers who passed confidential
information to our lawyers because they were concerned that justice was
not being done.
On leaving prison it was several Masons who rallied round and provided
us with free offices, transport and services and tried to get our one
suicidal friend into hospital.
Our problem was not a Free Mason but a woman who made a judgement based
on women's intuition and belief that that intuition was infallible that
went on to withhold, destroy and manipulate evidence in the misguided
belief that she knew better than a judge and jury and was providing a
service to society.
When it was discovered that this was probably the case she used her
position to resign her post using ill health and the knowledge that she
would neither be questioned or prosecuted for her actions and that we
could never prove our innocence because she was ill.
It is not the wrath of the Masons that should worry us but the blind
faith women place in their intuition that no matter what they are right
and if you question that belief and ask for a logical explanation you
will suffer their wrath.
The largest and most dangerous secret society in the world are women,
who like worker Bees can come together in an instant to destroy even
their best friend for illogical and questionable reasons and then
disperse as if nothing happened.
I take it from your last response -- the goad about manhood that you are
a woman using the typical response of the woman's secret society handed
from mother to daughter and overseen by the Grand Masters of that
society commonly known as granny.
So, you've have a bad and unforgivable experience with one woman and
because of that you judge all women. If this was typical of male logic
then give me women's intuition any day. Thankfully it is not. I cannot
recall being let down by a woman, I can't say the same about men.
If you've never been let down by a woman, then you've never spent any time
with any. Never took you as a monk.
Not Today
2006-11-11 17:19:11 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by Not Today
Post by J Wiesmann
I take it from your last response -- the goad about manhood that you are
a woman using the typical response of the woman's secret society handed
from mother to daughter and overseen by the Grand Masters of that
society commonly known as granny.
So, you've have a bad and unforgivable experience with one woman and
because of that you judge all women. If this was typical of male logic
then give me women's intuition any day. Thankfully it is not. I cannot
recall being let down by a woman, I can't say the same about men.
If you've never been let down by a woman, then you've never spent any
time with any. Never took you as a monk.
Wrong and wrong. Perhaps I'm more discerning than most :-)
kim Stirling
2006-11-10 16:30:59 UTC
lesson for you, kim did not write this, I did and I have been married to kim
for 30 years. I have to use my wife's email because I can have nothing in my
name. joe stirling. Incidentally, are you a female eastern star freemason?
DJ Hatter
2006-11-12 00:18:58 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
lesson for you, kim did not write this, I did and I have been married to kim
for 30 years. I have to use my wife's email because I can have nothing in my
name. joe stirling. Incidentally, are you a female eastern star freemason?
but you just put it in your name....will the melodrama ever end!
kim Stirling
2006-11-11 08:12:50 UTC
DJ Hatter
2006-11-13 09:39:59 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
DJ Hatter
2006-11-13 11:07:18 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
Why didn't you just say "see section 17" instead of all the needless
dramatics and downright impoliteness you've subjected everyone in this
thread too?

For the benefit of anyone else who is still -by some miracle of eternal
patience - giving this individual the time of day (not many owing to his/her
attitude I would presume), I found this hidden within the text at section

Example No2 I would switch my mobile phone off and drive somewhere (not a
public place) with a witness and camera. Switch my phone on and call my
switch it back off. Wait a short while and then they appear, guaranteed. I
wrote to Strathclyde Police HQ to ask if they had been monitoring my
calls/phone and they wrote back saying they could not confirm or deny this?

Who "they" is it does not say but I think they mean the Police. What is
"not a public place"? The inside of a small shipping crate at a cargo depot
at Dover docks? The rear garden shed of a complete stranger in Rochester?
I'm going to presume it means a secluded place.

I'm going to try this later. Things never go right for me so I must have
upset a Freemason somewhere along the line. Don't know whether to video it
or not... i'm not a pretty sight. Maybe i'll just take a camera.

Stay tuned for further info.
Brian Reay
2006-11-13 17:25:47 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Who "they" is it does not say but I think they mean the Police. What is
"not a public place"? The inside of a small shipping crate at a cargo
depot at Dover docks? The rear garden shed of a complete stranger in
Rochester? I'm going to presume it means a secluded place.
I'm going to try this later. Things never go right for me so I must have
upset a Freemason somewhere along the line.
Just checked the list we keep, you have. Hint: you were wearing a yellow
strapless frock at the time ;-)
Brian, G8OSN
DJ Hatter
2006-11-13 18:18:14 UTC
Post by Brian Reay
Post by DJ Hatter
Who "they" is it does not say but I think they mean the Police. What is
"not a public place"? The inside of a small shipping crate at a cargo
depot at Dover docks? The rear garden shed of a complete stranger in
Rochester? I'm going to presume it means a secluded place.
I'm going to try this later. Things never go right for me so I must have
upset a Freemason somewhere along the line.
Just checked the list we keep, you have. Hint: you were wearing a yellow
strapless frock at the time ;-)
damn... i looked everywhere and i couldn't see you. Nice frock though,
isn't it.

Was it the incident with the lighter fuel that upset the freemasons? Knew
that would come back to haunt me.
Brian Reay
2006-11-13 18:54:11 UTC
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by Brian Reay
Post by DJ Hatter
Who "they" is it does not say but I think they mean the Police. What is
"not a public place"? The inside of a small shipping crate at a cargo
depot at Dover docks? The rear garden shed of a complete stranger in
Rochester? I'm going to presume it means a secluded place.
I'm going to try this later. Things never go right for me so I must
have upset a Freemason somewhere along the line.
Just checked the list we keep, you have. Hint: you were wearing a yellow
strapless frock at the time ;-)
damn... i looked everywhere and i couldn't see you. Nice frock though,
isn't it.
Not according to the report, seems it didn't match the rest of the outfit.
(Pink Doc Martins are so "out".)
Post by DJ Hatter
Was it the incident with the lighter fuel that upset the freemasons? Knew
that would come back to haunt me.
Use a straw next time and you'll be OK.


kim Stirling
2006-11-09 11:00:30 UTC
This is not kim and thank you for your input. we do not hate masons (only
ignorance) After all the persecution, you want us to walk away, shut up and
take more? no doubt you'll continue to hide. ta ta
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 16:43:00 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
This is not kim and thank you for your input. we do not hate masons (only
ignorance) After all the persecution, you want us to walk away, shut up and
take more? no doubt you'll continue to hide. ta ta
Its like "the only gay in the village" isn't it.

Everyone in the village is tolerant and interested and some are even openly
gay but he still insists he's the only gay in the village and that they are
all prejudiced. Its the same kind of mentality. She's actually taken a
bunch of interested people who were responsive to her beliefs and switched
them off.
kim Stirling
2006-11-10 05:09:14 UTC
Dear mad as, we'll let the audience decide. O.S.
DJ Hatter
2006-11-11 10:52:37 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
Dear mad as, we'll let the audience decide. O.S.
Audience to what?
2006-11-10 15:18:15 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
Perhaps, Unlike you, we didn't start this thread and if this is your only form of reply. Then you'll get no further comments from me
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 15:54:20 UTC
Post by Baldrick
Post by kim Stirling
typical brainwashed cowardly mason giving it all verbal behind a dodgy
address. blah blah blah, why don't you be a real man and put your real
phone no, address on this page (just like we have) bye
Perhaps, Unlike you, we didn't start this thread and if this is your only
form of reply. Then you'll get no further comments from me
Who was her message too? Me or you?

I can see it now.... she wakes up in the morning, goes and brushes teeth,
toothpaste tube is empty... "damned cowardly masons". Burns toast "damn
those masons". goes to work, misses the bus "come back you damned mason bus
drivers". Screws up a load of her work as usual and gets a final written
warning "they're out to get me those masons".

Goes home and breaks a nail on the door key "boo hoo.... just leave me alone
you cowardly masons". Sends an email ..which bounces 'cos she can't spell
"oh no, masons in my email software".... and on it goes ....
2006-11-10 13:24:42 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
in answer to all intelligent comments above, we have videocam evidence, any
of you want to put money on it? this page was written for victims everywhere
and we would like to thank you for your documented ignorance or the
protection of your masonic membership.
You have 'evidence'? Could you not put it on You Tube or some kind of
similar site so we all see it?
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 08:49:36 UTC
Post by D Miller
Post by J Wiesmann
Post by DJ Hatter
Post by kim Stirling
6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)
So what is supposed to happen. I tried this and bolted up to the woods.
All i saw was a bloke hopping around on one leg with an apron on
shouting "we want you" and pointing in my direction. But there was
nothing out of the ordinary to video at tall. Can you give me a hint as
to what i'm looking for?
The one legged man in the apron are you sure he didn't start shouting "We
want you -- We want you" then "Young Man". If he did, then let me know,
I think this could be serious and you will need all the help we can get.
JW, I came as quick as I could, but she still enjoyed it, I went over your
notes, and I am sure you are right -- this man is suffering from
"Ludicrous"!!! Who else would go down to the woods at night with a mobile
phone and video camera and then telephone a friend other than Chris Tarrant.
lol. And I got the question wrong!
kim Stirling
2006-11-09 08:07:13 UTC
KENT masonic capitol of the UK, just ask Yolande, who was married to the
masonic judge nigel peck
DJ Hatter
2006-11-10 15:39:07 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
KENT masonic capitol of the UK, just ask Yolande, who was married to the
masonic judge nigel peck
I don't know "Yolande" and i'm asking you.

I'm giving you the courtesy of my attention. Kindly reciprocate.

What happens if I make a phone call after having my mobile phone switched
off? Put it here in writing and i'll go and do it on video. If what you
say and what happens on video match, i'll do as I said and give you airtime
for free. Can't say fairer than that.

If you can't give me that information then I can't provide myself with
DJ Hatter
2006-11-09 18:10:34 UTC
Post by kim Stirling
8.... Recognise Freemasons by numbers. You have to checkout www.whale.
to/b/duke.html this is another way to spot an Evil Freemason.
So are there Evil Freemasons and Good Freemasons? Is there a simpler way of
telling an Evil Freemason from a Good Freemason than all those numbers...
such as acutely angled eyebrows? A cloak, pulled up at the front into a
fist? A little finger always projected outwards? Perhaps a small, evil
henchman with a desperate, breathless sounding voice... a top hat? A Hood?

Whenever I go round to my neighbour, John's house, he takes me into a back
room with lots of computers and there are men abseilling down from the
ceiling in red jump suits (is red significant?) and he is always sitting in
the massive chair with lots of buttons and he sits there petting a white cat
which is always on his lap. He actually lives in a hollowed out volcano
which i always found unusual as we live in Kent.... and there aren't any
volcanos that I know of.

Should I be monitoring this neighbour? You got me thinking now.... this is
highly suspect. I can't believe i never put 7 +7 + 77 together before!
Not Today
2006-11-09 21:01:10 UTC
Thanks for this. You have convinced me that should I ever be invited to
join the Masons I will accept!
Post by kim Stirling
ADVICE FOR VICTIMS OF FREEMASONRY (or the layman's guide to evil)....
Fact.... It only takes one lower Mason to put you on the Freemason's
Lifetime Register Of Revenge. Did anyone ever say to you "I'll make sure you
never work again" ? Or perhaps one of your family members is on the Masonic
Revenge Register and nobody knows why things go wrong. Did you ever have a
Mason as a partner? Are you suffering in silence? We can help you to expose
this evil.
Fact.... Freemasons never let go, they will persecute until death. I have
seen this with my own eyes for the last 28 years and I have gathered plenty
of evidence on how they work. I am writing this now as I get my daily dose
of "psychological grind you down". I have overwhelming proof as you will
read soon. I am a member/supporter of several victims groups who all have
evidence of the Evil Freemasons (Destroyers Of Society) You must see www.
2.... Buy a triple carbonated book and use it as daily diary. Put the other
two copies into separate safe houses of people you can trust. (or copy onto
CD/DVD to all). Don't live to regret this advice.
Fact.... Don't try to hide from them. Technology is amazing now, we pay for
it and the Masons get to abuse it. They also have a brilliant network of
eyes and ears, local Masons, pub landlords, taxi drivers, curtain twitchers,
dog-walkers and of course the Freemason Gangstalkers (organised harassment)
3.... Keep your carbonated diary of dates, times and details of events and
gather as much info
as possible. Make it safe as soon as you can. Join us or start your own
Fact.... When a Mason turns his foot (in a certain way) in court, that's his
way of letting the Masonic judge that he is your pseudo brother and you know
the rest. Have a look at ex-top Mason Bill Schnoebelen's brilliant expose
of Masonic truth. It's more than 2 hours long. Download it for free at
4.... Log all phone calls (good or bad, they can all be traced). Keep dates,
times, phone numbers and nature of call (or record the calls) Masons love to
hide and have cowardly fun, we can prove this.
Fact.... Freemasonry is an international money making scam. Brainwash for
money/power. Regardless of the codswallop they would have you believe.
Masons are Masters Of Misinformation.
5.... Gather evidence using Video or DVD-cam, digital camera, handheld voice
recorder, etc. You can connect hidden cameras to your hard drive for 24/7
coverage (very inexpensive) Try putting your video-cam on your vehicle
dashboard (hide/box it) and later keep all vehicles on record, you will be
very surprised at the results. Also carry your small voice recorder, this is
useful for taking notes or when talking to your enemy, etc. Remember, this
evil uses a lot of cars during their persecution. (Lots More)
Fact.... If you want to know which night of the week that they have their
corruption/persecution meetings, just get online and put the name of your
local Masonic Lodge into the search engines and there you have it. You can
now document them, their vehicle, their job, their accomplices and so on.
The website also gives you all the Masonic officers names, etc, etc....
6.... Set them up.... Switch off your cellphone and try this.... Your
cellphone/mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag, I have proved this lots
of times by going somewhere rural with a friend and a video cam. Switch on
your phone and make a normal call to someone close to you, then switch your
phone off and wait with your video-cam at the ready. IMPORTANT always try to
get a good close up of their face and don't forget the date, time and nature
of incident. More to follow from Open Society (not secret society)
7.... If you can afford it, put a tracker on their vehicle and that will
reveal everything about them. It will also reveal their corrupt accomplices,
vehicles, jobs, contacts, etc, etc.... IMPROVISE & EXPOSE
Fact.... Not one Mason can tell you what happens to their membership fees.
(except the corrupt ones)
8.... Recognise Freemasons by numbers. You have to checkout www.whale.
to/b/duke.html this is another way to spot an Evil Freemason. Watch vehicle
number plates and business and home phone numbers for
7-9-11-13-33-77-555-666-777-3333-5555-7777 and numbers that add up to
7-9-11-13, examples 434=11.... 85=13.... 225=9 etc. Example No1, Local
business has No33 on his trucks number plates, 33 on his family cars (reg
plates) and 33 in his business phone number. Example No2, local Masonic
family has no 13 on family vehicle and their 3 offspring have similar car
reg's that add up to Masonic numbers. Example No3, most of the
vehicles at my back garden/fence/road has been Masonic numbers, video/photo
footage to back this up. Example No4, my local taxi firms have the phone
numbers 3333 and 5555. Most of the drivers are Masons, that's why they are
nosey, they are servants of the all seeing eye, The Illuminati ) Have a
browse through Yell or the phone directory for other businesses. This will
get you started and contact us with your findings. (members report to follow)
Fact.... Did you know that they have Masonic Lodges within the Police HQ's ?
We pay for that. You should ask your local MP. (get your MP/MSP to sign a
Declaration Of Truth that they are not a Mason) You should also get a D.O.T.
from other professionals who you think are Masons. Join us (nowt to hide)
9.... When you know one Mason then that will show you all of his/her
contacts. Those closest to him/her will be fellow Masons. They all go to
each others engagements, weddings and funerals. They only use fellow Masonic
tradesmen and services, check the phone numbers and vehicle reg. (more to
Fact.... 33 degree Freemason Tony Blair said "It's not a secret society,
it's a society with secrets" ????
This kind of crap statement only makes you realise the truth. (ABBA
money, money)
10.... Use your imagination and improvise on gathering proof. (also share
your ideas with us and other victims) You can send it anonymously to us or
put your findings online. For every Mason, there are 12 of us who are not. I
have just started several petitions to expose this Masonic Human Virus,
especially made me angry when I came across a petition called "PROUD TO BE A
MASON", you should read the comments, it proves how brainwashed/deranged
some of them are. It's also a good way to identify them. You can find it
here at www.petitiononline.com/proudmas/
Fact.... Do not get involved in litigation of any kind, you must be mad if
you think justice will be done. Yes I have read the occasional rare victory,
that's just part of the controlled media to fool the public.
11.... Don't let them get to you, just ignore them. These
calculated/deranged Masons only get pleasure from a reaction. It's about
time we done a role reversal here, they deserve it. Evil Freemasonry is
responsible for a trillion, trillion crimes against the planet and all of
it's species. All in the name of money/greed/power/selfishness (report to
follow).... Why is there no Masonic register?
Fact.... You can get caught on camera 300 times a day and even more in the
city. How come there are no cameras in the Courts or Police
Has the penny dropped yet?.... Secrecy = Lies
12.... Gather as much evidence as possible and hold it for now. Do not
attempt to take it to their corrupt system. They know your evidence won't
stand up in their courts, join us. (report to follow)
Fact.... Masonic victims, do not go to the newspapers, they are owned by the
elite/establishment, try to find alternative journalism online. Checkout
Tony Gosling, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, John Pilger, David Icke, Michael Moore,
Truth-seekers at http://777001.com/?q= www.martinfrost.ws/ (can anyone
find this brilliant web-page as somebody took it down, it's
freeserve.co.uk/truth/tr5pyramid.html) You had better check these sites out
if you want to know what's already here, mind control, laser
RFID's, etc. Join Open Society and teach/help each other.
13.... Be very wary/careful of any new contacts/friends. You should also be
on the ball with friends of your family, so checkout the father first to see
if he is a Mason. If you are having meetings, be wary of infiltrators and
spoilers. (you can check with us)
Fact.... The Evil Freemasons will spread lies & rumours locally where you
live or at your workplace
14.... Make contact with us or other victims/groups by email and also
snail-mail as we don't know how long before they totally control the
internet and destroy the freedom of speech. Join us or support us.
If you have a Freemason living near you, keep a diary of their
movements/contacts and if you are any good with a camera? Do you think this
is wrong? well, thats how they get info on us. Wakey, wakey.
Fact.... They have perfected their Masonic persecution so that only the
victim and the perpetrators know what is happening. I have seen and
documented this. Like I say we have the proof with nowhere to take it as yet,
because it's their playing field. Don't worry the seeds have been sown to
destroy this evil, you must do your part. See
htm also www.kirkflyingvet.com
15.... Be aware that they will use anyone, any age, any colour, any
profession, etc. ( Checkout online;DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, Jobs Daughters,
Eastern star, etc) lot's more to follow
Fact.... When the next fabricated world war kicks off, all Masons expect to
be saved, do you really think the top Illuminati/Masons care about anyone
else? Of course they don't, lower Masons without the desired bloodlines are
just tools to be used. They are all expendable. Which is why anyone with
half of a brain should read the truth-seekers websites recommended here
(Mason or not).... Start here....
Masonic truths and secrets www.crossroad.to/articles2/006freemasons.htm
16... Freemasons are encouraged to tell lies If you suspect someone you
think is a Mason, ask them to write a simple Declaration Of Truth in their
own handwriting (watch them and their body language) "I am not a member of
any Secret Society, Cult or Debating Group, etc. I have never been initiated
into one and never taken any back-handers/favours from them. Signed and
dated by me"
Fact.... Perpetrators/Gangstalkers are never own their own and you also
will find the Masonic Police around at the same time as the persecution.
They use various methods to communicate. Mostly mobile phones (all calls
traceable) , walkie talkies, CB radio. Get yourself a scanner and voice
17.... Be wary of what's happening around you. Some local Masons will
look/stare/growl/shout/snarl at you as if you have the Plague. The truth is
that they have heard some rumours about you, made up by the your local
Masonic Lodge (This is all Freemasons Textbook stuff). Then what happens is
that the other pseudo brothers all spread nasty fabrications about you. It
gets to other Profane (not Masons) people and then everyone
it's true. (even the old ones like he's a child molester, etc) Anything that
happens near you is your fault, the Masons only listen to other Masons,
there is no two sides to a story. Their members are so brainwashed, did you
ever see the movie Zombies? heh, heh.
Fact.... I have done hundreds of small tests and experiments to make sense
and gather the truth, you should do the same. Example No1 when talking to
someone you suspect of being a Mason, feed them a story/lie and see what is
said over the next few weeks, I promise it will come back to you....
Example No2 I would switch my mobile phone off and drive somewhere (not a
public place) with a witness and camera. Switch my phone on and call my wife,
switch it back off. Wait a short while and then they appear, guaranteed. I
wrote to Strathclyde Police HQ to ask if they had been monitoring my
calls/phone and they wrote back saying they could not confirm or deny this?
18.... Warning, women who separate from Masons get real psychological terror,
sick Masons.
Technology is as good for us, not just them. Use it. See what detective
agency's sell (more to follow)
Fact we now know a lot of infiltrators/spoilers and their tactics. We have
other other tactics/information and help for individual cases. You can also
send us your tactical ideas and suggestions.
Fact.... If you want to know which night of the week that they have their
corruption/persecution meetings, just get online and put the name of your
local Masonic Lodge into the search engines and there you have it. You can
now document them, their vehicle, their job, their accomplices and so on.
The website also gives you all the Masonic officers names, etc, etc....
19.... You must keep an eye on your mail. Once or twice a year they will
steal your mail, not junk mail but bank bank statements, credit card
statements, appointments, etc. This is another way for them to gather info
and harass you. Make sure you report this and keep a record of all
complaints with the mail
Fact.... Masons will destroy/harass any business which might take away
business from local masons. We have all the proof of how they work. Join us
or start your own group
Fact.... When a Mason loses his job, the Masonic Lodge will find this pseudo
brother another job immediately, regardless of his qualifications (if any).
That's what they get told before they join, that they will have a job for
life, at our expense. (American gangstalking victims don't know it's the
Masons, yet)
Fact.... Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity, see
Masonic misinformation "Jesus The Freemason" see
Fact.... Their "psychological grind you down" is incessant. We have the
identities of lots of Masonic Gangstalkers who should be followed 24/7 to
document their evil.... www.nireland.com/fame97/
This email update was promted by this local Freemason Gangstalker, He, with
his Eastern Star (female freemason) was dishing out the psychological terror
last sunday 5/11/06 at 4pm . They were driving a car, Registration No P2 OGG
(put P2 Masons into your search engine + see Rule No8) . Who did he contact
on his mobile that day? who contacted him? They had a number of other
perpetrators with them in other cars, especially the guy in the red Porsche
(with black convertible roof) driving round the roundabout six times? I have
lots more evidence and questions? Good tip, don't forget your cameras and
voice recorder. Or go for the set-up next time, don't make it obvious.
If you or someone you know is a victim and need a shoulder to lean on,
contact us. Please
remember this is not about you or me, it's about all of us. There are
victims out there who
are committing suicide, being torn inside, losing property, families being
destroyed, etc.
This Masonic Evil has no conscience. If you do nothing, then they win.
Victims Unite....
Fact.... If you are in business and you wonder why you never win a contract?
That's because when they submit their tender, the words/text are manipulated
so that fellow corrupt brothers can make an easy decision. We have lots more
on this.... Have a look at our Mo's story www.mauricekellett.com
You can contact us anytime. Checkout our petition to Ban Freemasons and
other Secret Societies
www.thepetitonsite.com/takeaction/479012713 Just read what the victims
have to say (+links)
I have nothing against lower Masons who have not been part of the
persecution, therefore I won't mention them when my story comes out. As for
the deranged Masons? I think it is only natural that they should be named
and shamed to everybody local and their family, friends, colleagues and
Thanks to the internet, the whole world of journalists, truth-seekers and
humanitarian groups are watching this space. This evil practice has to be
stopped. Vote to ban it now. Join us or start your group.
Open Society (Not secret Society) Contact details.... email kim.
7PQ Scotland, UK.... Phone 0141 560 4743 (leave message or text us) or
07834 329 287 (02 network) or 07799 612 227 (vodaphone)
No guys, I'm not cracking up. I'm just a nervous animal stuck in a Masonic
world with nowhere to run
My brief story.... 28 years ago I was fighting some guys who had been
fighting with my brother in another Pub. Big guy fell and cut his head (a
bad cut) on the radiator. I went home and said to my wife that I'm just
about to be arrested for assault. Nothing happened. Wanna know why? they
were 3 Police Trainees and what do you think? Yes I've had 28 years of
Masonic persecution. Listen guys, I can back up everything I am saying. Do
you think I haven't tried to get out of this? I even enquired about joining,
just to get them off my case (not now, not for 10 million) I have written to
them, I have emailed the Scottish Grand Lodge (Of Corruption), no chance,
this is calculated derangement (also to show other members what will happen
to them if?) I love my family (I know they will suffer when I'm not here)
and I love my life. Yes I know the dangers. But when you catch a glimpse of
the real truth and the psychological terror that the Masons (Servants Of The
Illuminati) distribute 24/7, you can only fight back. Of course we can win
and we will. Doing real good will always beat evil. Joe Stirling
Here's an issue that won't go away (because the corrupt elite design and
maintain it).... 17 of the poorest places in Scotland are all in Glasgow,
why?.... Now you know why. This is also an international problem that won't
go away until you ban the Secret Societies from practicing.... I would like
some protection for me and my family but I can hardly ask the Masonic Police.
Need your support, Guys
Incidentally, we don't just fight corruption, we are also interested in all
things good, i.e. sustainability, true recycling, anti-pollution,
anti-poverty and survival in this volatile world. As a Victims support group
we can help you identify if Masons are involved. We will accept donations of
any kind to keep up this fight. Anything we can use or sell. Every penny
accounted for and no fat cats. We also need your ideas and suggestions. Do
something real good for the community, support us, join us, we've nothing to
Footnote: Very well done U.S.A. for voting against the 33 degree Masons, the
Satanic Bush family
Please copy this and distribute to help other victims, remember, we're not
all online. Read the websites recommended before you make your argument or
decision. You can talk to us, we have nothing to hide
Open Society (Not secret Society) Contact details.... email kim.
Glasgow G62 7PQ Scotland, UK.... Phone 0141 560 4743 (leave message or text
us) or 07834 329 287 (02 network) or 07799 612 227 (Vodaphone)
If you wish to be removed from this list, please email us with
2006-11-09 21:12:10 UTC
Post by Not Today
Thanks for this. You have convinced me that should I ever be invited to
join the Masons I will accept!
He does make it sound like fun, doesn't he?

Mind control lasers :0, where can I get me some of that?